Saturday 24 December 2011

Holidays Chic Fashion

Hi everyone!
This is our first fashion video inspired by the holidays spirit! Hope you enjoy! ^^

Comments, opinions and rates are appreciated!
Happy holidays everybody!!! Take care!
Love, xo

Friday 23 December 2011


Hi everyone!
First, we are going to introduce ourselves! :) 1tsmc stands for Monica and Cinny. Yes, we are sisters. We currently live in Montreal, Canada. We were really excited to make our very first video & blog! Unfortunately, me, Monica, I was way too busy with school and everything so I couldn't be part of it, BUT I did help :D Anyways, let's go back to the main topic. This blog is mainly about fashion and beauty related stuffs. We would like to share our love and passion for this whole different world. Let's inspire each other!

Love, xo